Increasingly, more individuals are becoming aware of the energy points that are the portal through which energy is drawn into and released. The Chakras are 7 localized areas of vital energy positioned alongside the spinal column.
7. Crown (Sahasrara = Thousand-petaled lotus) Helps us become more enlightened and or walk in a higher form of existence Affirmation: “I am meaningful. My life is meaningful. Life is meaningful!”
6. Third-Eye (Ajna = Transparent lotus with two white petals)
Helps to build and strengthen out intuition and insight.
Affirmation: “I trust my intuition.”
5. Throat (Vishuddha = Blue downward-facing triangle inside a lotus with 16 purple petals)
Help us openly express out authentic selves.
Affirmation: “I am open, honest & effective in communication.”
4. Heart (Anahata = Green six-pointed star)
When balanced, it allows us to receive and express love without bounds.
Affirmation: “I am love.”
3. Solar Plexus (Manipura = Downward or upward facing Red triangle)
Helps with confidence, assertion & personal power.
Affirmation: “I manifest my present and future dreams, goals & desires.”
2. Sacral (Svadhishthana = Orange lotus with six petals)
Helps to regulate our desires and emotions. Elemental water; fluidity, creative.
Affirmation: “I am fluid with unlimited capabilities.”
1. Root (Muladahara = Support; Red Four-petaled lotus)
Self-preservation, food, sleep & sex
Affirmation: “It is my birthright to thrive!” In Eastern culture, this flow of energy is called prana by the Hindu, Chi (Qi) by the Chinese and ki by the Japanese. In Hindu tradition, Yoga is a common practice used to balance prana and Chi can be balanced using a number of traditional Chinese techniques such as Tai Chi and similar practices. The Japanese traditional form of energy healing, Reiki, through the palms, is practiced as a form of self-healing; allowing practitioners and clients to reach a state of equilibrium. This list is not all inclusive, but I wanted to give you a snap shot of how we all speak the same language, just using different words.
Our entire energy flow is mapped throughout the body via channels known as nadis. To date, we are aware of approximately 70,000 nadis present throughout this intricate energy map and they all have a varying degrees of energy. The nadi consists of points that intertwine with the Chakras. One important nadi is Sushuma, which rises from the Root (Muladhara), along the spine, passing through all 7 Chakra points, to the Crown (Sahasrara). Their condition correlates directly to the health of the Chakras. One affects the other.
In the US, many traditional Eastern practices have been instilled. Instructors have established schools and educational seminars, myself included, to teach others about the Chakras and how vital their balance is in correlation to the overall health of our lives.
The Chakras are constantly moving and exchanging energy. Whether you are aware or not, your energy communicates with those in your environment long before you even acknowledge their physical presence. Have you ever sat in a room by yourself with your back to the entry way? Without a sound being made, you get a "feeling", only to look up and see your housemate standing in the room with you. That "feeling" was your energy (aura) interacting with the energy of your housemate. This is one important reason why you should be mindful of your energy, for positive or negative, you affect the energy of those around you.
Chakra is the Sanskrit word for ‘wheel’ and is often illustrated as a spinning circle or disc. Your nature may present them in a clockwise fashion or counter clockwise. One direction is not better than the other, it is just your nature. Usually, the Chakra point immediately below turns opposite to the one above it. For example, if your Crown (Sahasrara) is clockwise, then your Third Eye (Ajna) will be counter clockwise. To determine your natural direction, you can use meditation, consult an energy healer or use a pendulum.
A pendulum is an object of importance tied to one end of a string. If the object has weight and moves freely, it can be used. Focusing your intent on your Chakra flow. Hold it a few inches, approximately 6, above or in front of the Chakra point and your pendulum will mimic the directional flow of your energy. These discovery and measuring techniques can also be used to tell you which Chakras are out of balance, weakened or mostly blocked.
Once determined, you can now implement your chosen method or practice to bring balance to your system. Methods include Crystal Healing, meditation, yoga, prayer, Reiki, Tai Chi, aromatherapy, or other energy healing practices. If you are unsure of which direction to travel, schedule a consultation here, and we can discuss what options might benefit you in your current situation.
Thank you for taking the time to read about Chakras. If you have general questions, send me a message via the Contact Us link here. In closing...
Let us be Present. Let us be of Light. Let us be of Love.
References and other Helpful Information:
Franks, Leslie J. (2016). Stone Medicine, A Chinese Medical Guide to Healing with Gems and Minerals.
Raphael, Katrina. (1985). Crystal Enlightenment: The Transforming Properties of Crystals and Healing Stones. Aurora Press, Santa Fe, NM.
Webster, Richard. (2002). “Aura Reading for Beginners: Develop Your Psychic Awareness for Health & Success”. Llewellyn Worldwide
Fenegan, Phoenix. "A Brief Introduction to the Chakra System."
*Please note that while the description of the properties of some Crystals and alternative healing therapies refer to healing benefits, they are not intended to replace diagnosis of illness or ailments, or healing by means of Allopathic medicine. Always consult your physician in the case of illness.