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10 Steps to Changing Your Career After 40

There are many reasons why a career change needs to take place at this time. You may feel you finally have the time, money, and energy to dedicate to living a different life and embarking upon a different path. Your values may have changed, your relationship status may have changed, or you just may no longer be interested in your current job. Whatever the case may be, such a

change is necessary for you and after working with many individuals in your position, I have compiled a list of steps that my clients and I work through to ensure their success in changing their careers.

1. Take stock of your current skills and experience: Before making any decisions, assess your current skills, knowledge, and experience to determine what transferable skills you have that can be applied to a new career.

2. Identify your passions: Think about what excites you and brings you joy. Consider hobbies, volunteer work, or other activities that you enjoy doing outside of your job.

3. Research potential careers: Conduct thorough research on industries and jobs you are interested in. Consult job market reports, industry publications, and talk to professionals in those fields to learn more.

4. Consider education and training: Evaluate whether you need additional education or training to gain the skills and knowledge necessary for a new career. Online courses, night schools, and certificate programs are all options to consider.

5. Update your resume: Your resume should highlight any transferable skills and experience relevant to the new career you are pursuing.

6. Network: Reach out to friends, colleagues, and others in your professional network to discuss potential career changes and seek advice and guidance.

7. Build relationships with new contacts: Attend events and meetings related to your desired career field to meet people and develop relationships that will help you get your foot in the door.

8. Explore job opportunities: Look for opportunities to gain experience in your target field through internships, volunteer work or part-time work.

9. Be patient and persistent: Changing careers takes time and effort, so be prepared to put in the work and be patient as you begin the transition.

10. Seek support: Consider hiring a life coach or career coach, joining a support group or seeking guidance from a mentor to help you navigate the career change process.

Most importantly, Do not sit on these feelings! You are existing in this lifetime to live, to learn, to explore, to experience and your level of fulfillment will be greatly enriched when you flow towards the activities that fill your mind, body, and soul with joy! Schedule a no-cost consult if you want to design a plan that will surely get you well on your way.


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