Hawks Eye Tiger's Eye Elastic Bracelet, 6.5" | Wholesome Healing
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Hawks Eye Tiger's Eye Elastic Bracelet, 6.5"

Hawk's Eye Natural polished gemstone elastic bracelet, 6.5"

Hawk's eye is typically blue, with some pieces leaning toward gray while others may appear slightly green. The coloring is a result of reduced iron levels as the crocidolite transforms. When the iron levels remain high, the color ends up golden, and that version is called Tiger's Eye

Hawk's eye gemstone is an amazing stone for introspection, allowing a person to dive into their own mind and find the answers they're after. Essentially, it supports your intuition. This helps one maintain perspective, identify subtle opportunities, and otherwise find an appropriate path to follow.

Hawks Eye Tiger's Eye Elastic Bracelet, 6.5"

SKU: 7162483

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